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4 Playlists to Drink Tea To!

The Oolong Drunk

Hello hello!

Last month, I had become unfortunate enough to contract Covid 19. It resulted in an ER visit with contemplation of putting me on life support, ninety straight hours of Covid, the near-collapse of both lungs, and inevitably, loss of smell and taste. Although I’ve been ‘cleared’ from the health department, as of now, I have yet to regain my ability to taste. As a result, I’m unable to properly review tea at the moment.

However, although I’m able to continue drinking tea, I’ve been more focused on meditation and connecting tea time with music. Since vibin’ to music while drinking tea has become a favorite past-time of mine, I decided to create a few playlists — curated to help improve your next tea session!


The following are 4 different playlists. I put them in specific order, so I HIGHLY recommend you listen to them in order and NOT on shuffle.

Each playlist should last the duration of 1 gong-fu session.

With each list, a tea pairing will be accompanied, or a recommendation of which tea to drink while listening to each playlist.


Playlist: Singer/Songwriter

Duration: 47 Minutes

Description: This playlist spans across R&B, alternative pop, and classical as we visit different artist’s ability to vocally put us in a trance with beautiful lyrics and melodies. This playlists includes some of the most talented people in all of music including Solange, Janelle Monae, Mitsky, and the incredible Lana Del Rey.

Tea Pairing: Both Sheng and Shou Puer, Oolong, and White Tea.


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Playlist: Tea Time Electric

Duration: 36 Minutes

Description: This playlist was created with electronic-focused music in mind. This playlist spans multiple different genres, it’s still rooted in electronic music. We have a re-mix of a spoken word album, electronic - pop, and even instrumental electronic! Unfortunately, Lana Del Rey does not make an appearance in this list.

Tea Pairing: Black Tea, Sheng Puer, and Green Tea


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Playlist: Women of Pop

Duration: 40 Minutes

Description: In a celebration of strong forces in pop, we celebrate women’s impact and influence within the music industry by collection ten vibe-worthy pop songs. Although major influences of mainstream pop are incorporated into this list, I also threw in indie pop-artists as well. Unfortunately, Lana Del Rey does not make an appearance in this list.

Types of Tea: Sheng Puer, Green Tea, and White Tea


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Playlist: Indie/Alt Rock

Duration: 40 Minutes

Description: In this playlist, I collected some of the most vibe-worthy indie/Alt-rock artists together in one playlist. This playlist spans multiple artists who are incredibly talented including St. Vincent, Arcade Fire, and even Tame Impala! This playlist even includes a an appearance by the one and only, Lana Del Rey.

Tea Pairing: Oolong, White Tea, and both Sheng and Shou Puer


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~ Blissfully Tea Drink



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2015 - 2024

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