Vote for Company of the Year!
Hello hello!
Earlier this month, I released a ‘Best of 2017 Nominations' list! On this list, I nominated tea shops for their hard work in 2017. These companies are recognized for their community efforts, their ability to make a delicious and accessible product, and having an all around great shop! These people pushed the limits on what it means to run a tea company, and for that, they were nominated for 'Company of the Year'. Here are the nominees…
There is one small issue however. I can't decide who to give the award to! So I created a survey and YOU will be voting for Company of the Year. Below is the link to the survey…
[Voting is Now Closed]
Thank you for those who voted! You can click HERE for the full list on nominations, and winners will be announced December 28th, 2017! Good luck!
-Blissfully Tea Drunk